From the Editor's Desk     Internet Mailing List SPECIAL NOTICE!
 CPU Status Report       Computer Products Update
 CBM Announces Loss       CBM's financial situation
 INOVAtronic's Text Editor   A Professional text editor
 Amiga Game Zone Magazine    A new Amiga games magazine
 HD expansion for A600/1200   Add a Hard Drive to the A600/1200
 Raggae MODs contest      Win some time in the sunny cool waters!
 Online Weekly         The lines are buzzing!
 Amiga Online Reference Manual AORM - contact information
 WOCA Toronto Seminars     Find out what's going to be happening!
 Usenet Review         GPFax
 Famous Amiga Uses       What are we doing with the Amiga?
 Emulation Examiner       AmigaDOS for Dummies
 The AMIGA Rambler       November is Amiga Sysop Month?
 AR Confidential        We heard if through the Grapevine!
 The Humor Department      Jokes, Quotes, and Shameless plugs!

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